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Textile Art, 2020

Motannai- Too Good to Waste

M O T T A I N A I– TOO GOOD TO WASTE, is a JAPANESE philosophy of ethics, design & morality that reveals the secrets of living a simple and meaningful life.

In the article by a consciousmagazine, the author Renyung Ho beautifully narrates her personal story with the philosophy of Mottainai. She wrote, I spent my childhood with my grandmother who, often told me “When we die, we go to the mountains. That’s why a shroud has to be made, of hemp. Hemp is planted from our soils, so it returns to that soil easily.” Ref:

Fabric or cloth is something that protects your body. You cannot waste even a bit. It is too good to waste.”- Chuzaboro Tanaka


Inspired by the concept the below texture/ textile art is created by hand sewing multiple Hemp Chindis together. 'Chindi' is a word used for waste fabric left after stitching.

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